"We bring your efuture"
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GAK Technologies does not represent and shall not be constructed as representative for anyone any license of GAK Technologies or any third party's intellectual property rights. Except the regular usage words all the logos, designs, phrases, names and material used on this site may constitute trademarks, copy right service marks or trade names of GAK Technologies or any of its clients. GAK Technologies has not authorized any other entity to display, edit or modify any of the contents of this Web site.
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(a) GAK Technologies does not affirm the totality, aptness or precision of any of the material contained in this website and may make changes in any content without publishing any prior notice. GAK Technologies has provided all the information contained in this website without any negative intention and if anyone uses it for any kind of damage or misuses it for any erroneous act GAK Technologies will not be legally responsible for that.
(b) GAK Technologies disclaims all warranties, whether direct or indirect, in respect of any material, software, logo, design or abstract provided hereby.
(c) The site may contain links to the other web sites. These links are only provided for reference to the projects we have done and to provide a sample to the interested clients as what we can do and what we have done so far, this must not be taken as GAK Technologies is a partner or has signed any legal or business contract with any of the web sites mentioned here and is not liable for any published or provided material on any of the web sites given hereby, and is not associated or coupled with, or is legally authorized to use any trademark, trade name, logo or copyrighted symbol, that may be reflected in the link or the description of the link to such other sites.
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Computer Worms and Viruses:
In the IT world of rapid growth every second a new virus is written for computers, while dozen of efforts are made to ensure that all information provided at the site does not contain computer viruses or worms, you should take reasonable and suitable precautions to scan for computer viruses.